your favorite backyard bar

Little Woodrow's Site Refresh

Little Woodrow's came to us wanting to refresh their website with an updated look and feel.


There wasn't really a clear story being told on the website, it was a jumble of unorganized information and old textures.

After reviewing a behavior heatmap and studying trends of users on the site, we saw that hardly any of the site actually got used. Users were not even making it down past the header of the homepage, let alone to the other pages.

Not to mention the mobile site experience was very glitchy with missing and broken links. The current website just didn't really showcase the backyard patio experience that you get from visiting one of the locations.


To tackle these problems at hand, we had three goals in mind for the site.

1. Improve the messaging.
To do this, we wanted to inject clever headlines into the sections. We wanted to add a lot more copy to the site overall that can give users a story of who this restaurant is. Focus on the type of amenities they offer and what makes them unique as a restaurant.

2. Showcase the experience.
We wanted to highlight the experience of the restaurant. We ran a new production shoot that included both photos and video content. Assets that could be used throughout the site to really highlight the experience.

3. Improve the usability of the site.
We wanted to improve how the user navigated the site, and make it much more intuitive. The goal was to include information the user was looking for, more upfront.

We redid the navigation structure from the ground up. We created a Geo-locating function to help users find information about the location closest to them, and overall, just allowed the users to find information much faster.


The Little Woodrow's website was a huge success, setting new benchmark for user retention on the site. This proved that the users found the website captivating enough and allowed them to get to the information they needed.

We noticed a large portion of the users are on their mobile devices, which still has a high retention rate, indicating that the mobile and tablet experience was vastly improved.

The launch of the website saw a significant spike in web traffic, with a significant spike in average visits per month. Little Woodrow's ranked in the top markets for "bar" in multiple areas around Texas.
© 2025 Jonathan Silverberg